It was now Friday morning, Graham's induction day! The day we have waited over 10 years was finally here! Katie had an appointment at the doctor's office for one last checkup and then we were sent over to the hospital. They started Pitocin (poor thing!) and before too long they were able to stop it because she was producing her own contractions. The doctor broke her water and we were on our way to meeting our son!
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Leaving for the doctor's appointment and hospital |
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I ended up with a TON of tally marks. I'm so excited to meet my baby boy! |
We were in the delivery room mostly but came out to wait a bit with family |
Katie was now dilated to 9.5 centimeters. We knew it wouldn't be long. Brad and I were behind a curtain at this point because they were flipping Katie around so much due to the contractions causing decelerations in Graham's heart rate. I knew it wasn't good but didn't realize the actual severity of the situation because I couldn't see the monitor. Finally the doctor came behind the curtain to tell us she would have to go to the operating room for a c-section because Graham's head was too large (in hindsight this wasn't the case but a way to keep us calm). We were upset for her but understood. I went over to talk to Brian, Katie's husband, and told him he could go in the operating room rather than me like we had talked about but he insisted I go.
But when it was time to suit up the doctor said no one was coming in. Talk about panic time.
Graham's heart rate decelerated into the teens. I'm so thankful I didn't know this at the time because I probably would have fainted. Because it was so low, the doctor put Katie under general anesthesia which is why no one was allowed to go back to see the birth. Katie said it was one of the scariest moments of her life when they were no longer able to monitor him until he was out. Brian, Brad and I were waiting outside in the hall but Brad and I didn't know how bad things really were. I see this as a blessing.
They took her back at 7:05 and Graham was born at 7:28, a perfectly healthy baby boy weighing 8 lbs 6oz and 21 inches long. The umbilical cord was causing all the trouble. It was wrapped around his neck but the real reason for the decelerations was because he had it piled on top of his chest. So with every contraction the cord was causing all that pressure. Katie's doctor said as soon as she made the incision the cord popped right out first.
We had the absolute best nurse ever who when she found out I couldn't go back asked for my phone and took it into the operating room so that I wouldn't miss his first moments of life. Not only did she capture his first moments but also our reactions to seeing him for the first time!
We never dreamed he would come by an emergency c-section but we are so thankful that the Lord protected both of them and wouldn't let Satan turn this dancing back into mourning. We realize this could have gone a very different way and we are so thankful that Katie's doctor saved him just in time. We understand the sacrifice Katie made and now it is an even bigger one.
After we knew everyone was safe and sound, it was time to enjoy this most precious gift! I'll let the pictures tell the story of the joy brought about by this long-awaited baby boy. Thank You Lord for this dance and for sending all the people in our lives that made this possible. You are greatly praised today and forever.
Not the ending we predicted but a perfect ending all the same.