We are already at 20 weeks! We've had a few bumps along the way but baby is healthy and strong and that's all that matters.
The SCH that we thought wouldn't cause much trouble ended up sending Katie to the ER at 8 weeks! It had been bleeding some as they usually do but the pain was unbearable. Luckily baby was perfect when the tech performed the ultrasound so we all had peace of mind. Unfortunately the SCH grew larger and the bleeding continued most of the pregnancy until a few weeks ago but at 16 weeks 6 days the trouble maker was finally GONE! Praise God for answering this prayer.
At 12 weeks we had baby's gender reveal. Katie was the only one at the party who knew so we were all on the edge of our seats. And the anticipation was a bit longer than we really wanted because the bath bomb took FOREVER to dissolve. Eventually we all got to see that sweet baby was a.........
baby brother!!!!! |
Miller is after Brad's grandmother (maiden name) Charles is after my dad (passed in 2016) |
First matching pjs for my BOYS! |
Aunt Katie did a LOT to get you here Miller! |
Our first picture as a family of four |
We would've loved either gender of course but big brother Graham was sooooooo happy Miller was a boy! He kept saying he didn't want a girl so I was scared my carpet might get dyed pink if it had been one! I am beyond excited to watch these brothers have an incredible bond for life. I'm going to dress them alike as long as they will tolerate it and can't wait to break up all the physical fights through the years. I am wondering how I will feed them as teenagers though?
Fast forward to 20 weeks because I am a mother of a toddler and can't always find time to update this blog. haha!
We flew to Wilmington, NC on April 12 for our appointment the next day with a MFM. We didn't do this with Graham but the new doctor considers IVF pregnancies high risk so we are going here just to make sure everything is great with him. We went a day early so that Katie didn't have to make the 2 hour drive that morning. We ate at this great seafood restaurant and then took some pictures to commemorate the evening. Miller was so much bigger! The last time I had seen Katie in person was at the gender reveal so I was so excited to see how much he had grown.
Us dying after a random man says he'll take a picture of all of us. Wonder what he thought about this situation? #sisterwives
Brad with his baby mama and his wife! |
The next morning we went to the appointment after a bagel run for Miller who loves breakfast food. This was the first time Brad was allowed into the ultrasound room so it was an extra special appointment for him. We got to see Miller flip, suck his thumb, open his mouth and the tech got all the measurements she needed. He weighed 13 ounces and his heart rate was 142. We met with the doctor afterward and he said everything looks great but he does have a two vessel cord. He said there usually aren't any problems but there could be toward the end of the pregnancy if he stops growing appropriately. Luckily this only happens toward the end and they can take him a bit early if needed. We go back in 6 weeks to the MFM and if his echo is good and growth is still on track we will be released back to the OB. I am so happy that if something had to be "wrong" this is all we have going on!
I mean how cute is he? I'm so in love! |
open mouth! |
So in 18 weeks or less the little boy who completes our family will be HOME! I will officially be the mom of two boys and all my prayers will finally be answered. I'm not sure how it will feel to never be TTC again after 14 years. How it's going to feel to never step foot into a fertility clinic again. How it's going to feel to not pray for a baby anymore. I'm not sure how's it's going to feel but I suspect I will feel FREEEEEEEE!!!!! Thank you Lord for turning my mourning into dancing, for helping me to be patient in the afffliction to reach this baby boy. And thank You for answering every prayer I've ever had since I was a little girl.