Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Beta Day at 12DP5DT

Does anyone else think my clinic is insane waiting for this long for a beta? From what I've read, most girls have it done at 10 DPT. It really doesn't matter because I tested on Saturday which was plenty of time to see 2 lines which I course did not see. But really I'm ok now. I dealt with this last week and really feel fine. On my way to work last week I heard a song on the radio that had my actual verse at the end of it: Psalm 30:11. As you already know turning your mourning into dancing isn't a huge verse that you hear everywhere like Jeremiah 29:11, so the fact that He allowed me to hear that just when the doubt starts to creep in showed me He is still working. Please say prayers for our next steps, which I hope include adopting. I know that's not any easier than what we have already been doing but if that's the plan He has for us, it's what we both want to do too. I'll let you know the results today but we all know what they are: closure.

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