Wednesday, May 16, 2012

She always comes when you don't want her...she never comes when you do want her

By her I mean AF. I have had very regular cycles since going off BC. Usually every 35 days. Now that I need her to come so that I can plan the biopsy and start my next IVF, she is MIA. Can I use any more acronyms in this post????:) Yes I can-It's CD 42. I took a test even though I knew I wasn't and of course It was negative. Is there anything they can give me to make me start? I've never had this problem and I figured there were plenty of girls out there who have. I am very frustrated because I have to get this thing going in the next 2 weeks or it's going to run into the start of school. Believe me, no one wants to sub in Pre-K in August or September. Heck, I don't even want to go at that time of the year;)Any advice is greatly appreciated!


  1. Sure is! Call your Dr and she/he should be able to give you something to get you going.

  2. Grr so frustrating!! I hate when our bodies don't cooperate. Maybe they can put you on some provera and get things going for you. Thinking of you! Good luck hun!

  3. I had to take provera when my AF took a hiatus. Just call your Dr and hopefully they can help you.
